Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

punching holes in my ears.

I now have 2 holes on each ear. [Actually, this was done at least 4 or 5 months ago.] I don’t think this was much of an event. But it was important to me that I got my ears re-pierced. Why? Well World, this may have been a frivolous reason, but I couldn’t wear certain earrings correctly. My earrings would lift in a weird way because the holes were too high. This, of course, was because I had my ears pierced when I was a baby.

I was actually pushed into doing this. I know it was on my 24 before 24 list, but I didn’t feel ready to do so. I had never gotten anything pierced before in my adult life! I was anxious, sweaty, grumpy… it wasn’t the right time for me, or so I thought. My earrings were already on, before the anxiety started to kick in. It took 2 seconds per ear after the marking dot was place. Wow. My “highly trained” ear pierced at the mall establishment called, the Piercing Pagoda, was actually grumpy at first then she got quite lovely. She was putting herself through school for a degree in music one ear at a time.

Now I can cross this off my list!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

roadtrips so far

  1. Los Angeles: I took a 6 hours drive by myself. It was a nice scenic drive and I had time to think for myself. It was an interesting experience, being in LA and visiting a friend that I hadn't seen in about 6 years. We drank, ate, and danced. We went to the beach and my dearest friend worked his craft on me. :) There were annoying drivers, fun cat-and-mouse games, creepy rest stops [that i was forbidden to go to], sleepy driving instances, but all in all a great time. I'm glad I went :]

  2. Santa Clara: I didn't go by myself, but its definitely classified as a roadtrip! I went to the California Extreme, a pinball/arcade expo. The drive was super nice and peaceful and I saw a bunch of interesting graffiti. My only regret was that I did not take the a picture of some of them. I volunteered to help and got in for free for one day! It was so cool. We played arcade games from 12 p.m. to 2 a.m. While CAX was really fun, the situation with the hotel room was TERRIBLE. I will never lodge there again. Besides that, the food was delicious, the weather was beautiful, but hot. I’m going to plan to go every year!

books I have read so far... [in no particular order]

  1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

  2. Chuck Norris Cannot Be Stopped: 400 All-New Facts about the Man Who Knows Neither Fear Nor Mercy by Ian Specktor

  3. The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson

  4. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua

  5. Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

  6. The Girl with Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson

  7. Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

  8. In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce

  9. The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce

  10. Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce

  11. Tales from Facebook by Daniel Miller

  12. Trick by Ellen Hopkins

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is indeed, very very delayed and old news but I can't help but share it.
I just have to appreciate the wonderful co-workers I have in my life. They were so wonderful to me on my birthday, that they trashed my office out of love and mischief. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

About a month ago, I sat in a restaurant surrounded by old friends and new friends, and said out loud, “I finally feel like myself again.”
How strange. I had never said that before and really meant it. It has really been a long time and a terribly long journey. I no longer feel like I am in a haze or a fog. Things now are so clear and bright. Honestly, it has truly been years. I feel much different. There is a pep to my steps and breathing is so much easier. It is so hard to explain, but I am so grateful for those who have guided me and for those who tried and that I have lost along the way. I have a much different aspect now. I am really for a change, more than ever.